an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

Empowering Mobile Developers with Gamified Growth Solutions

Lower cost per install, increase DAU and user retention, and boost revenue.

Spanning Diverse Verticals

Trusted by apps of all sizes.

Swift SDK/ API integration with a gamified growth strategy customized based on your needs.

Customer Results by the Numbers

At TurboLink, we measure our success by how we’re helping our customers drive their own growth quarter after quarter.

Here’s how we’re doing.


Reliable growth

2X organic growth in app downloads with TurboLink's powerful solution.


Saving user acquisiton cost

160% reduction in Cost Per Install (CPI) with our innovative web to app interactive ads solution and referral gameplays.


DAU improvement

20% surge in DAU after the deployment of TurboLink's engaging gamified campaigns.


Revenue boost

Up to 150% in daily purchases and subscriptions with TurboLink's conversion-driven campaigns.